Security Policies Module Overview

The Cyber Safety Security Policies module contains a set of security policy templates. These are useful as a starting point for your efforts to document how your organization should manage data & information systems, and can help you to implement requirements dictated by your compliance needs. 

The security policies are basic, easy-to-use templates that cover important areas required in many compliance frameworks, such as network security and data breach response. We’ve created these to take the majority of the work off your plate, giving you a faster way to create policy documents your business needs to be cyber safe.


The Categories

The security policies are arranged into three buckets based on their priority for many organizations:

  1. Core (essential)
  2. Business-specific (may not be a fit for everyone)
  3. Nice-to-have (not required for all organizations)

Please note your compliance requirements may dictate that all these policies, and more, must be in place for your business, so be sure to follow legal/regulatory guidance if you have it.

In the absence of regulatory requirements, we recommend starting with the Core policies and working your way down the list. 


Using the Security Policies

You'll note that all policies are, by default, in an "Inactive" state. This means they're templates waiting for you to open and customize! To do that, simply click on the policy you want to use, then read through the policy and make any edits (highlighted in purple) that are required. Once complete, you can save and return to the Security Policy module; you'll note the policy's status is now "In Effect".

You can download a PDF copy of your active policies by clicking the download button next to each one. This may be useful if you need to share the policy with an auditor or business partner, as well as for disseminating policies to your team members. 

Over time, things change, and your policies should also change. To make updates, simply click on the policy, and you'd like to update, then click on the relevant purple-highlighted text to make changes. You can see a revision history of all changes made to policies by clicking the "History" button, which will show you all previous versions. You can view/download any of these prior versions if needed. 

See Customizing Security Policies to learn more.


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